Wednesday, December 30, 2009

food for thought

I have decided that I really enjoy making baby food. It gives me such a sense of accompishment when I come up with a new recipe or food that I can feed Georgia Mae. When I start making it, I just want to keep going with new combinations and I want to run out to the store and buy new containers to store the baby food in. The only thing more exciting to me right now is thinking of all the new foods she will be able to eat in just a couple of months and all the new combinations I can come up with.
I am in the process of putting together a cookbook. I obviously really enjoy cooking, so I have decided to put together this book to share my recipes and get rich in the process....and if it doesn't work out, at least I will have all my recipes in one place. I was thinking that I might include a baby food section. Baby food is really easy to make, so I will have to come up with something new or perhaps grown up recipes that can be tweeked for babies.

The other day, while in a bookstore, I realised that any idiot can write and publish a cookbook..why not that idiot be me.

Friday, December 18, 2009

keeping busy

So the last time I posted was a while ago. I am going to start things off slowly. Ben suggested I start writing on here again to stop me from doing things around the house like hanging heavy mirrors on one screw and mounting shelves slightly crooked. These things, in his book, are a man's job...or a woman with more patience than me. I just want it done, and I want it done now! That is how I live my life. :D I am sure I would take more time to do things if I had it. Right now, the only time I have to actually get stuff done, is between naps. I am currently writing this with both hands while the baby sleeps in her highchair.
Winter is upon us, and I see alot of boredom in my future. We have moved away from centretown to a quiet street at the edge on hintonburgh..or as the locals like to call it "the wellington village". I was all for this, and don't get me wrong, I still am. It's just a big adjustment to make when all you have is your baby and your dog as company for most of the day. At least in centretown I could have walked places. Here, the only places I can walk to require me to spend money. I do have a car, which means I can pretty much go I don't know what has's just different.
I have recently resorted to reading the newspaper to my 5 month old. It seems to amuse her quite a bit. She laughs at the articles I make outraged faces to while reading them. We read our horoscope on a daily basis and that seems to amuse her too. I tried to read her the cartoons, but let's face it, the cartoons in the Ottawa Sun are not that great.
And on that note, I bid you farewell...for now.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


I just finished sewing Georgia a brand new floor pillow. It is yellow with pink sheep and flowers..very girly indeed. I set her down on it, she fussed for a minute and then found her thumb and fell asleep! She is currently sleeping like a little angel in the centre of her giant pillow, thumb in mouth. I took a picture and when I get a chance to upload it, I will post it so everyone can see my little angel.

I also sewed a pillow for her best friend Adair. Her's has purple horses floating in a light purple sky. I hope she is as happy as Georgia to be laying on this pillow.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

brand new

I woke up this morning at 6am to the sound of Georgia Mae sucking her thumb...she looked so content.

Friday, September 4, 2009

What the.....

Yesterday was a busy day for bladders.
After the Wanda Jackson show, we went to pick Georgia from my mom's around 12:30am on Wednesday. She fell asleep on the car ride home and so I decided to leave her in her car seat while I slept on my own for the first time in 7 weeks! It was magical! I could toss and turn all I wanted..except that I have gotten used to sleeping on my back and that is now my most comfortable position.
So around 9:30am (she has already woken up once for a feeding around 6am) when we were waking up for the day, I felt bad that I had left her in a wet diaper all night and decided to take her diaper off and put a new one under her and let her air out. We were still in our bed at this point, when Georgia decided to stretch..and with that came a long stream of pee that shot up and got me on my hand and on the blankets before I got a chance to cover her up with the diaper. Conveniently enough, I had just bought a new blanket for the bed. That's the last time I let your lilly pad air out Georgia Mae!

After you give birth, there is much talk about bladder incontinence. I had my first scare yesterday. I know right! 7 weeks after the fact! I was sitting on the couch with baby in my arms and Ben next to me when all of a sudden I felt something warm between my legs! I was so surprised and embarrassed and just shocked! I handed the baby off to bed and said "I think I peed myself!" my shorts were wet between my legs and I just kept babbling in disbelief something along the lines of " but I...I just went..I can't...what hap...but I didn't have to....I..."
I ran to the bathroom to inspect the matter further.Upon removing my shorts I saw that the wet spots were actually just on my thighs. As soon as I saw this, Ben said that the baby was wet and that her diaper was not on properly.

PHEW!!! I had never been happier that my baby had peed on me...again.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Baby is on Ovol. They are drops for coliky/gassy babies. Maybe they will do the trick. Poor thing has been farting up a storm, but I think they may be working. Instead of her usual 1 a day poop, she had 2 and a shart I think the gas is getting pushed out!

Monday, August 31, 2009

I need answers!

Why is it that babies cry and cry and cry before they fall asleep? And why is it that while they are trying really hard NOT to fall asleep, but they do and the crying stops, when they realize that they have fallen asleep, they wake up and cry some more?

Also, why does this (Japanese crying baby contest) even exist?

"The event first began in 1993 to pray for the health of babies. Men wearing mawashi sumo belts gently shook the babies in a bid to see how powerfully they could cry. A Japanese proverb says that babies who often cry will grow up to be healthy."

They Shake the babies????!!!

Saturday, August 29, 2009


This is Georgia's favourite song. For some reason when this song starts to play, she gets really pensive. I can't explain what the mystery is with this song. I wish she would remember when she got older that this song made her feel good when she was cranky, so I could ask her why and she could explain it to me. For now, I have come to the conclusion that A) the synthisizer is soothing; or B) she thinks Flo Rida is sexy as hell.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Sushi for breakfast

Today I successfully went out for lunch (our breakfast) without GMJ interrupting as soon as the food hit the table. Before lunch we decided to hit the mall for some much needed baby items. It's really entertaining to watch people oogle over a baby.
Also, I like how young and old alike feel the need to comment on said baby. For example, point out the baby, smile at you, say "awww look at the baby!" while walking by..or my favourite by far "you guys have legs coming out of your bellies!". How does one respond to something like that? Should I stop and let them have a look? Most of the time I just smile and throw them a very polite chuckle and keep walking.
I am pretty sure the other day I must have gotten asked how old she was about 7 times in a row. I should make a sign for when I got out and put it at the front of the carrier that says "7 weeks old" so I don't have to keep repeating myself.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

First day

I have taught myself how to do everything with one free hand at all times.
Right hand ::typing::
Left hand ::rocking bassinet::